
Why we need to change the perceptions of mental health (pt.2) w/ Louise Kirby I The Sanctus Podcast

James has been friends with Lou for a while and asked her to come on the podcast to speak about her tragic experiences because of her fresh, honest and inspirational perspective she has come out of the experiences with.

With University being one of the toughest times to experience family problems, Lou received a huge blow during her education in 2012 when her mother died – leaving the whole family grieving. It was a difficult time but her whole family but none more so than her dad, whose physical reaction to grief seemed to be getting increasingly worse over the next few months.

They unexpectedly received the news just after Christmas that year that his deteriorating condition was actually due to him having advanced bowel cancer. Still in education, Lou decided to push through and make frequent trips home to see her father in hospital – all whilst studying.

Five months later, Lou’s father died and the upbeat and awesome Lou tells us the difficulties she has been through since with other people struggling to know how to react to her.

“It’s not really a great chat up line is it”

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