
Where do I want to stop? I The Sanctus Podcast

Whilst finding himself drinking four times per week, Brad found himself returning to AA for the second time to help finally deal with his addiction. In 1995, he finally had his last drink and asking himself ‘Where do I want to stop?’

In the decades to follow, Brad has developed a real awareness of how addicted we can be nowadays – whether that is to drugs, social media and even other people.

Recently, one of the Sanctus founders, George Bettany, has taken a smaller step into taking a break from alcohol – a choice becoming more popular with people nowadays.

James sits down and grills both of them on what the similarities are with how we deal with addictions nowadays – whether that is simply a matter of reducing an unhealthy habit or getting support for a compulsion that is damaging your mental health.

Listen to the full episode on addiction now!

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