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Here are all of the things that you can do quickly, easily and either for free or for a relatively inexpensive amount in one handy list 🙂

30 things you can do for mental health

1. Create a mental health channel in your internal messaging service (if you don’t have one, start a weekly mental health email to the company)

  • Share mental health content, books, podcasts and interviews you’ve been checking out 
  • Ask others to do the same 

2. Share relevant mental health in the workplace content directly with your senior leaders who are responsible for budget 

3. Find the most senior person possible within the business and ask them to support or sponsor you with mental health in the workplace

  • Ask them to personally send an email to the company telling everyone that they’re doing this – leading from the front is powerful 

4. Create or join a mental health committee at work 

  • Have people from different parts of the business join so all areas are represented

5. Create a mental health culture club – a group call where you can talk about things you’ve seen in mental health i.e discussing a documentary 

6. Start sharing with the team how you’ve been feeling and doing

7. Share the same thing with your manager

8. Ask others how they’ve been feeling and doing, and really listen to the response

9. Sign the Mental Health at Work Commitment

10. If you do have any internal mental health services or offerings – try them, even if you’re not sure about them. Then share your experience of them to others and promote them  

11. Pay for a single Headspace/Calm subscription and play their meditations in a group meditation session (in-person or over Zoom)

12. Or, if you can, pay for a company subscription to Headspace or Calm so everyone has private access

13. Stream a Yoga with Adrienne on Youtube and do company Yoga

14. Tell people in your company how you are working on your mental health

15. Hold your own boundaries around your working hours – tell people when you’re logging off

16. Take holidays and encourage others to take theirs – keep track that people are taking them

17. Introduce a “one-word check-in” at the start of meetings – an honest word of how people are feeling

18. Write or suggest a mental health sick day policy where mental health sick days are equivalent to any sick day – you can see and download the exact copy of ours here for inspiration.

19. Attend webinars or events about mental health and share that you’re going with the team 

20. Host a lunch and learn on mental health with someone from your company who is willing to share their own experiences – powerful 

21. Or host one with an external speaker – also powerful 

22. Share the Sanctus Directory with your team – a free resource that details free and paid services for people’s mental health

23. Organise easy socials for you and the team – something as simple as a team walk with no phones (maybe a little harder until we’re all back in the office)

24. Hear from your employees – create an anonymous mental health and wellbeing survey using something like Typeform

25. Make wellbeing a company OKR or goal – something that is shared across the business

26. Ask managers to check-in on people’s wellbeing in 1:1s

27. Listen to this podcast we recorded with an HR legend, Hannah Keal – Where to start with mental health in the workplace

28. Download some free mental health posters that you can stick around the workplace or advertise on your internal intranet. Steal ours here 🙂

29. Tell the company that you’re doing all of this, or at least looking into it, in an email. Be honest about the journey you’re hoping to go on with it. Just them seeing you’re taking it seriously will have a big impact

30. Follow Sanctus on LinkedIn – okay, a bit cheeky, but we had to put it in there 😉 

What to do next

There’s a huge range of things to do here, and you don’t need to do them all in one go, or even do all of them at all.

Just start with one thing – then build out a roadmap using this list – try and tick certain things off by a certain date.

The important thing is just getting started 🙂