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Manager Coaching

Supporting people managers at all levels to lead with confidence and care.

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The needs and expectations of employees have changed. People are craving high-trust environments and investment in the human aspect of their lives and their work. Managers are now required to lead with a much deeper level of care that goes beyond just productivity and problem-solving.

The challenge? Most managers don’t have the confidence, skills or support to keep up with these increasing demands against the backdrop of a relentless change and challenge in the workplace.

That’s where Connected Leadership comes in; a personalised, 1-2-1, multi-session coaching track designed to cultivate competencies that support people managers at all levels to lead with confidence and care and to create high trust-environments. Environments where belonging, communication, community and wellbeing are prioritised just as highly as productivity and performance.


of leaders display strong indicators of burnout


of employees quit their boss, not their job


of managers are uncomfortable communicating with their employees

A tailored, 1-2-1 coaching track for managers

Connected Leadership is a highly personalised track tailored to each individual manager; giving them the space to develop core capabilities beyond the confines of conventional hard and soft skill training typically included in traditional manager training programmes. 

Managers at all levels will be equipped with the tools, skills and mindset needed to enable them to thrive in uncertain environments, to create mutually supportive teams and to lead from a place of authenticity.

Fosters high-trust environments

By focusing on the competencies needed to build high-trust, human-first workplaces, Connected Leadership helps to build a sustainable, thriving work-culture with wellbeing at the heart. 

It helps managers to act as change makers where they can build a culture of belonging, support, and psychological safety, cultures which have been shown to have: 74% less stress, 50% higher productivity and 76% higher engagement.

Impact, personal accountability and responsibility

Empower managers and people leaders to tune into, benchmark and track their own personal growth. You can identify strengths to harness, as well as areas for further development – both at an individual and cohort level. 

Connected Leadership will also develop and distribute skills and awareness to spot and address signs of struggle in self and others – removing the onus from HR/People teams.

The Sanctus approach to leadership coaching is designed to support a new breed of managers & leaders. Leaders who place people and the human experience at the very heart.

Our coaching program for managers and people leaders in a nutshell

  • A tailored multi-session coaching track in packages of 6, 12 or 18 sessions.
  • Uses a unique framework focused on 5 core focus areas.
  • A Sanctus Coach will work with each manager to determine their own personal objectives and to track progress.
  • Works on competencies typically excluded from traditional manager training programmes.
  • All sessions are confidential and conducted virtually.
  • Takes an impact-led approach to demonstrate progress and areas for further development - identified at both an individual and cohort level.
  • Open to and equally effective for both new and experienced managers.

The 5 Core Focus Areas

    1. Transformative change
    2. Empathetic connection
    3. Personal wholebeing
    4. Ethical partnership
    5. Human-first leadership

There is a real and urgent need for organisations to support their leaders in developing high trust-environments. Environments where belonging, communication, community and wellbeing are prioritised just as highly as productivity and performance.

Get in touch and align your workplace with purpose

Coaching with impact & heart

  • A tailored, 1-2-1 coaching track that develops core leadership capabilities beyond the confines of conventional hard and soft skill training.

  • Equip managers with the skills to foster high-trust environments. Proven to positively impact employee engagement, productivity and retention, and show a reduction in sick days, presenteeism and stress. 

  • An evidence-based and impact-led approach which builds the tools, skills and mindsets to thrive, while demonstrating progress and highlighting opportunities for further development. 

Want to know more?

Once we have your details, one of the team will be in touch to walk you through how Sanctus can support your business. 

Coaching with Impact

We work with thousands of employees every day, supporting them through life’s challenges and guiding them towards a path of greater clarity, resilience and self-fulfillment.

"As always, whatever place you come into a session you always leave clearer. The sessions are invaluable to my life & look forward to them each month."
"Excellent. The session had a huge impact. My confidence, self respect and knowing what I want is all returning. I was a little lost but feeling more like my 'old self' again, which is exactly what I needed."
"It was a great space to speak openly and honestly and was a great reminder that I'm stronger than I think, even when I think I'm not. "
"My Sanctus coach is a very capable and exceptional coach. I always enjoy and look forward to my sessions with her. "

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