Three years of learnings on workplace wellbeing
After spending three years building a brand focused on changing mental health and wellbeing in the workplace, we’ve noticed a thing or two.
It’s scary.
It’s exposing and there’s a fear that opening Pandora’s Box will make things worse, not better.
It starts with you.
Your relationship with your own wellbeing will define how you bring wellbeing into your workplace, if you do at all, and how you do it.
It can start with a story or a talk – something that simple can start the conversation and begin cultural change.
Psychological Safety.
The vulnerability that comes from talking about ourselves, our wellbeing and our development creates trust and safety in teams and the company culture.
Employee Engagement & Retention.
Bringing mental health & wellbeing into the workplace will make employees feel loved, cared for and valued. They’ll be more engaged and more likely to stick around and do their best work.
Employer Brand.
Candidates will apply to work for your business if you value mental health & wellbeing and make a commitment to the wellbeing and growth of your employees.
Supporting HR and Management.
Having access to mental health & wellbeing services will lessen the burden on HR/management who may be having un-supportive conversations they are not qualified to have.
Sick days, absenteeism, presenteeism.
Investing in employee and workplace wellbeing will have an impact on sick days and employees are more likely to show up to work in a real way.
Sales/Customer Service.
Happy, healthy and connected employees are more likely to be kind, caring and empathetic externally. Your employees will treat people how they are treated by you.
Employees who work on their mental health, wellbeing and development will feel more able to bring all of who they are to work. Whether that be race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality etc etc.