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29 Aug 2024
Employee engagement
Learning & development
In today’s ever-evolving business landscape, a profound transformation is taking place. Organizations are no longer solely focused on profit margins and market share; they are increasingly recognizing the importance of purpose and its impact on employees and their performance. Gone are the days when a paycheck alone could keep employees satisfied. Today’s workforce seeks meaning...
22 Aug 2024
Culture & team building
Learning & development
The accountancy industry has changed in the last two years. More people are retiring than entering the workforce, increasing the challenges of retaining top talent and attracting new talent. This makes retaining existing talent more important than ever. Technology and the rise of AI have changed the skillset accountants need, meaning those in the workforce...
15 Aug 2024
Employee engagement
Companies have historically measured the impact of coaching by how many people use it. But in our latest whitepaper, Sanctus Coach Valentina Passoni argues that there’s far more to it than just that. Coaching enables employees to become more engaged and perform better at work. This improvement in employee well-being doesn’t just benefit the person...
10 Jan 2024
In the dynamic landscape of professional development, coaching has emerged as a pivotal instrument for honing leadership skills and fostering organisational growth — and for good reason.  Perhaps the two most common coaching approaches employed by businesses are executive coaching and leadership coaching. However, despite the two terms often being used interchangeably, they are distinct...
1 Nov 2023
All too often, business tools are judged exclusively by the financial gains they offer. And while you need to profit, of course, the most valuable assets are those that provide a competitive edge by boosting productivity, streamlining efficiency, and promoting a positive culture to support employees. Consequently, digital solutions can only go so far. Shiny...
3 Aug 2023
If you were alive at the turn of the 20th century,  do you know what you would give your baby to soothe their teething pains? Morphine syrup.  Yup. Morphine – a drug potent enough to stop your breathing. Oh, and to top it off, you could also dust their gums with some mercury. You know,...
4 Jul 2023
Let me start with a few disclaimers: Firstly, I am no expert in the field of AI. And, like many others out there in this digital world, I will be writing an opinion-piece, on a subject I have no education on (unless the web can be counted as a valid teacher).  What I do have...
1 Mar 2023
Culture & team building
Learning & development
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We see the people we coach as full, complex human beings and consider the impact every area of their life has on them. For more, here's an exclusive look at the Sanctus Coaching methodology.
21 Feb 2023
Learning & development
Mental health & wellbeing
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Against a backdrop of deep uncertainty, employees want to know the business they work for cares about them, the world, and their impact on both.
13 Feb 2023
HR & People
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The benefits of supporting employees include increased output, better retention, and a working culture people actually want to be a part of.