Bringing a little Orange into “Blue Monday”
Monday 20th was “Blue Monday”.
I wanted to do a piece covering the day so that I could provide some useful tips & tricks for those looking to get through what’s been dubbed “the most depressing day of the year”.
But, as I started my research online, the first article I came across stated that Blue Monday doesn’t actually exist – it’s something that a professor coined up for a travel company so that they could sell more of their travel packages.
Questionable? A little.
The way I see it is that if you need to convince me that I’m depressed in order to sell more of your product, then there’s probably something wrong with your product.

That being said, the day may still have been challenging for some. On the flip side, for others this will have been a day like no other.
But, so could any other day in the year.
Orange & Blue Monday (and every other day)
So, we wanted to make a suggestion about turning the day, and any day that follows, into a bit of an Orange & Blue Monday (bear with us) instead.
The Sanctus Orb has both blue and orange in it to represent the two parts of ourselves – both the good and not-so-good, which we all have in us. Which is how we, not that cleverly, came up with the idea of Orange & Blue Monday.
The message that we really wanted to get across on the day, this month, and even this year is…you don’t only need to work on your mental health when you’re feeling blue. How else can you proactively & positively work on yourself this year?
Equally, if you’re not feeling so orange, then what support do you feel you need?

How can you take stock of both the blue and orange parts in your life on any day of the year and work on those areas?
What mental health support do you need?
How best to approach working on your mental health this month, and any month that follows?…
…find what works for you.
What feels good to you?
What feels realistic?
Where are you at in your life right now?
Don’t do anything because you feel you “should”, or because others are.
Don’t worry about what you think you should be feeling.
Don’t worry about travel adverts that are throwing their “Blue Monday cures” at you. Take a step back & take stock of where you’re at, and where you want to be.

What things do you enjoy doing that you really feel brings out the best in you or makes you feel happiest?
These are all good questions to be asking yourself, and they can be as simple and as personal for you as you want.
It doesn’t have to always be things like therapy or coaching…perhaps something as simple as writing gets your creative juices flowing and makes you feel great.
I’ve set myself an easy goal of seeing my mates more regularly this year. Not your traditional “run 10km a day” goal, but it’s what I feel I need & want right now to keep me happy.
Another team member has set themselves the simple goal of “having more fun” – and that fun may mean something different to her each month.
Wherever you’re at this month – finding it a little tough, looking to set some goals, feeling a little lost, or literally anything else, think about what you can do to best support yourself. Our Directory may be able to help with this too 🙂
And remember, do what you need to do for you.